Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fun practice session

Image: George_Ou

Today the studio was almost empty for a little bit of time so I practiced pirouettes - promptly got a pretty ok double but only on the right side. It's so true - the more you're on autopilot, meaning the less you think about it, the better they'll turn out. All I kept focusing on was "up".

Then I tried chaînés - they're getting better but not there yet. And jumps. Right side is okay, can't get the left to work. But jumps are the most fun.

I'm happy with my dance too - I remembered all the steps of both routines, minus some details. The devil's always in the details...

Another thing I found out today - the doggy exercise (see previous post) didn't hurt so much when I tried it again. Either I got something wrong or the muscles' initial shock wasn't there. As in "You're going to use us? You're kidding, right, after all these years?" Heh heh.

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